Sunday, January 24, 2010

Blog #1: Flash Bulb memory

I find the reading on the flashbulb memory and "hearing the news" versus "being there" really interesting. As I think back to all my memories, all of the ones that are the most clear to me are the ones that I experienced first hand. However, there are a select few that are very powerful memories that I did not experience first hand. One of my most vivid memory is of the time I fell off my bike and broke my elbow. I remember it so well because I was the one that experienced it and then I continuously told others the story, therefore it became engraved into my mind. Although I did not experience first hand the terrorist attacks on Septermber 11th, it is also a very vivid memory in my mind. This is probably because it is one of the most terrible disasters that I have ever lived through, and affected everyone in our country. The two other vivid memories are the deaths of my best friend's parents, both at different times. I remember when I heard the news almost perfectly and it is something I know I will never forget. Although they were not my parents and I did not experience first hand, the news affected me greatly and was very traumatizing. All these memories are flashbulb memories because they were a sudden shock to me that changed my life.

1 comment:

  1. A child's first encounter with death is usually traumatic and not forgotten.

    The word is "engrained" not engraved.
