Tuesday, February 2, 2010

In the Year of the Pig

This film is a documentry about the Vietnam War. The film tries to state their opinion on the subject of whether to support the war or not. This film supported the anti-war movement and made this known through the footage that was gathered and used in the film. The film starts off with a picture of a American Civil War soldier, which I believe links our civil war to the one in Vietnam. Although, unlike the civil war in the America, the war in Vietnam was not our war to fight and that was why so many Americans opposed of it. One way that de Antonio sets the mood in the film is by using certain noises. He uses a very annoying helicopter sound in the very beginning of the documentry. This noise causes irritation and displeasure which sets the foundation for the rest of the mood towards the film, which is about the Vietnamese war.

I really liked how de Antonio still does not use narration in his films, but this time he used interviews to narrate the film, I found this very interesting. The film kept your attention because there was always something different being shown on the screen. de Antonio did not keep the focus on one thing for very long. He would use the interviews of important American officials to narrate the film and would film them for a few seconds but then show images that related to what they were talking about. The way he did this was very intriguing and kept my attention.

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