Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Millhouse: A White Comedy

The film documentry by de Antonio is like all his other films in regards to the footage he uses in the documentry. Like all his other films, he uses already filmed footage which he buys off of corporations and he also uses news reels. This is called "collage junk", because he rearrange many different clips of film to prove a point. This documentry was made in 1971 and is all about the scandals of Richard Nixon. The documentry makes a very firm point right at the opening of the film by showing footage of the wax dummy of Nixon being put together. This signifies Nixon's obsession with his appearance and the way the public percieved him.

de Antonio's clear motive in this documentry is to exposed Nixon for who he really is. de Antonio uses no narrations, but simply puts together footage of Nixon and then uses interviews of others to narrate it. News reels were also used quite a bit in the documentry. The news reels gave a rather unbiased outlook on Nixon, but still played the part in showing Nixon as the real scumbag he was. The two biggest impacts of this documentry was that it exposed Nixon by simply laying out the true facts and it also changed the way political campaigns were made. After the making of this documentry, political campaigns take footage of their opponents and manipulate it to make them look bad.

1 comment:


    In this blog and the one following it you spell documentary wrong!
